Despite its common nature, Gorse makes an excellent garden plant, especially on poor dry soils, in coastal gardens and areas of high pollution.
Family: Fabaceae (legume family)
Botanical Name: Ulex
Common Names:
Furze, gorse, thorn broom, whin
Foliage: Small, evergreen, sparse
leaves, on dense spiny branches.
Flowers: Bright yellow, fragrant,
pea-like flowers, often followed by black seed pods.
Flowering Period: Spring (March to
May) or autumn, depending on variety.
Soil: Well-drained,
poor, sandy soil. Acid to neutral pH.
Conditions: Full
sun. Can be grown in any aspect, in
either an exposed or sheltered location.
Habit: Bushy.
Type: Medium sized shrub.
Origin: Europe
Hardiness: Hardy in all regions of
the UK.
Plant outside in autumn or early spring. Container grown plants can be planted out at any reasonable time of year.
For the best show of flowers, grow in a poor sandy soil, in full sun. The plants will become drawn and leggy on rich fertile soils and not flower well.
Low maintenance and drought resistant. Good for coastal and city gardens.
Can be used to create a dense impenetrable hedge.
Water during dry weather until well established. Do not over fertilise.
Pruning is not normally necessary except to shape or restrict growth. To keep the plants neat and compact, give then a trim every few years or so after the flowers have faded, usually around end of May.
Gorse is extremely spiny so wear gloves and protective clothing when pruning.
Generally pest and disease free.
Increase by seed or take semi-hardwood cuttings in summer.
Ulex europaeus (common gorse) has bright yellow flowers from March to May. Height from 7 to 10ft (2 to 3m).
Ulex europaeus 'Flore Pleno' (Syn. 'Plenus') is a dwarf, semi-double form with deep yellow spring flowers. Height and spread to 5ft (1.5m).
Ulex gallii (western gorse) is a compact autumn-flowering form. Height and spread from 5 to 8ft (1.5 to 2.5m).