
Anthyllis flowers

A dense, low growing, herbaceous or woody perennial that bears fluffy, rounded flowers throughout summer.

Family: Fabaceae
Botanical Name: Anthyllis
Common Names: Kidney vetch, roundwort

Foliage: Evergreen, finely divided, silvery-green leaves.

Flowers: Rounded clusters of small pea-like flowers.

Flowering Period: June to September.

Soil: Moist but well-drained poor soil (chalk, clay, sand or loam). Acid, alkaline or neutral pH.

Conditions: Full sun. Best in a sheltered, south-facing aspect.

Habit: Bushy.

Type: Herbaceous perennial.

Origin: Europe, Middle East, North Africa.

Hardiness: Hardy in the UK.

Planting and Growing Anthyllis

Thrives in any well-drained, poor soil in full sun. Needs a sheltered position away from cold winds. Good for rock gardens, wild gardens and rough grassland.

Taking Care of Anthyllis

Easy to grow. Needs very little care or attention once established.

Pruning Anthyllis

Trim back after flowering. Established plants usually self-seed freely so deadhead regularly to prevent spread.

Pests and Diseases

Generally pest and disease free.

Propagating Anthyllis

Sow fresh seed in the autumn. Softwood cuttings can also be taken in summer.

Varieties of Anthyllis

Anthyllis hermanniae (lavender-leaved anthyllis) forms a low growing rounded bush with with small yellow flowers. Ideal for the rock garden. Height and spread 2ft (60cm).

Anthyllis vulnararia (common kidney vetch) a bushy, low growing perennial, covered in fluffy yellow flower heads throughout summer.

Anthyllis montana (mountain kidney vetch) a compact, rounded or spreading woody based perennial with clover-like bright pink flowers in spring and early summer. Variety 'Rubra' has crimson flowers. Height and spread 1ft (30cm).